In the beginning...
- 1962
- The Internet is first proposed
- 1965
- Two computers are successfully connected over the telephone system
- 1969
- ARPANET, later Internet, is created
- 1989
- The World Wide Web is created by Tim Berners-Lee
- 1990
- The first web browser, WorldWideWeb
The first browsers
- 1992
- Mosaic, the first browser with inline image capabilities
- 1994
- The first version of Netscape
- 1996
- Netscape 2, the first browser with JavaScript (created by Brendan Eich)
- 1996
- Netscape 3 and JavaScript 1.1
- 1997
- Internet Explorer 4 and Netscape Navigator 4, each with clashing DOMs, both trumpeting DHTML
- IE:
- NN:
Code forking!
- 1998
- The W3C publishes a DOM Level 1 recommendation
- The Web Standards Project is formed to encourage browser vendors to support standards
- 1999
- Internet Explorer 5, finally supporting most of the W3C DOM whilst maintaining backwards compatibility with the proprietary IE4 DOM
- 2000
- DOM Level 2 recommendation released by the W3C
- 2002
- NN6, Mozilla, IE6 and Opera 7 all support the W3C DOM
- 2003
- Apple releases Safari which supports the W3C DOM
- 2004
- Firefox version 1.0 is released, supporting the W3C DOM
- Today
- Better cross-browser support for the DOM than for CSS.
- Steeper learning curve, but less tweaking for browsers.
JavaScript syntax