“DOM Scripting: Web Design with JavaScript and the Document Object Model” is published by Friends of ED.
The book is aimed at designers rather than programmers. If you've learned the benefits of Web Standards through CSS and you're now ready to move on to the next level, this is the book for you. It will show you how to add stylish, usable enhancements to your web pages using Web Standards that guarantee future compatibility.
What people are saying
…nothing short of a revolution…
I highly recommend this book. It's nothing short of a revolution in educating developers about the true potential of DOM Scripting.
…It's already paid for itself…
The book is written for the XHTML/CSS designer, rather than for programmers. It's already paid for itself. Go get yourself a copy.
…required reading…
I finally picked up DOM Scripting: Web Design with JavaScript and the Document Object Model by Jeremy Keith and was pleasantly impressed with the coverage of pages that degrade properly. This book is required reading for anybody doing JavaScript or AJAX.
…You won't be disappointed…
If you design Web sites and want to add another dimension to it, check out this book. You won't be disappointed.
…a comfortable and easy read…
No other reference book is nearly as descriptive when dealing with the DOM. Keith successfully turns a potentially difficult topic into a comfortable and easy read. This is achieved by a concise writing style reinforced by a strong narrative voice.
…go get this book…
If you are wondering what all this DOM / AJAX buzz is, then go get this book. It will give you a solid handle on the underlying principles of the DOM, and show you how to use a combination of JavaScript and CSS to best manipulate behavior within your webpages.
…every concept explained clearly…
Since I had to be in Tokyo yesterday, I perused it on the train. The book is so well-written and every concept explained clearly that I not only finished it by the time I got back to Tsukuba but I have it still fresh in my mind a day later. It's very rare for me to breeze through a non-fiction book and it is a credit to the author.
…clearly written…
For designers who find “programming languages” hard to grasp this book is ideal. Clearly written and aimed at designers you'll find it impossible not to learn something.
…a great learning tool…
Jeremy Keith has managed to craft a book that is both a great learning tool for those new to the subject and call to arms to those of us that have always believed that scripting has its place in modern web design.
…the perfect introduction to the language…
DOM Scripting by Jeremy Keith is the perfect introduction to the language. It's a rare book that will easily double as an introductory text, as well as a proper reference for best practices and proper implementation.
…I really enjoyed the read…
The book is very good and worth getting. The author has a clear and concise way of presenting the subject and I really enjoyed the read.
…an excellent job…
Rather than trying to be all things to all people, DOM Scripting sticks to the topic at hand, and does an excellent job explaining it. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who is comfortable building HTML pages and is ready to get into scripting.
…I'd definitely recommend the book…
I'd definitely recommend the book to anyone who wants to begin adding another weapon (DOM scripting) to their web-standards arsenal.
…it made so much sense…
Normally, books on coding aren't the kind that I actually sit down and read, but rather are used as a reference for when I run into a problem. This one was different. While I still haven't gone through every line of every example, it had the same effect on me as Jeffrey Zeldman's Designing with Web Standards: that is, it made so much sense as to seem ridiculously obvious.
…an excellent addition to my bookshelf…
I am about halfway through the book and would like to recommend it to everyone. I am now glad to say it has made an excellent addition to my bookshelf.
…this book does an excellent job…
JavaScript can be such a mess, this book does an excellent job of demonstrating the power of the DOM and discussing the flaws with the history of JavaScript. I couldn't put this book down.
…I really couldn't be more pleased with it!…
A couple of days ago I received my copy of Jeremy Keith's DOM Scripting: Web Design with JavaScript and the Document Object Model. I'd been thinking about checking it out for some time and a forthcoming project will require me to finally get a handle on JavaScript so the time seemed right. I really couldn't be more pleased with it!
…durchgelesen, ausprobiert, verstanden…
Die 300nochwas Seiten von DOM Scripting habe ich an zwei Abenden durchgelesen, ausprobiert, verstanden, obwohl sie in erster Linie Text sind.
…clear and natural…
The language is clear and natural. Jeremy does not appear to be making any assumptions about what I already know. This book is really what I needed to get me started with DOM Scripting and JavaScript — a book written specifically for web designers.
…explains things in a clear, deliberate manner…
Sure, there are plenty of articles and tutorials online, but none of the many that I've read were as clear in their explanations as Keith's book. This book explains things in a clear, deliberate manner and with a good balance between theoretical and practical.
…how to use JavaScript correctly…
A good book for someone who wants to know how to use JavaScript correctly and with the least fuss and excessive coding. Not a book for someone who just wants to add flying pink elephants to their homepage.
…a great book…
There is no question that this book should not be given the praise that has already been heaped upon it and I would like to add my own. It is a great book.
I rate this book 9/10 both for the quality of its message as well as the ease with which this message is delivered.
…I heartily recommend this book…
If you are a designer working with web standards, and you'd like to give JavaScript and DOM Scripting a go, I heartily recommend this book. Its a useful introduction and foundation to modern JavaScripting.
…bulletproof JavaScript…
If you're a designer, you are going to get some kinky new ideas about how to improve usability, interaction and overall look and feel on your web sites. If you're a developer - you will learn how to write leaner, bulletproof JavaScript for manipulating DOM structures.
…I highly recommend this book…
Jeremy nails the topic down with clear principles, examples that are easy to follow, and a fun but authoritative tone to his writing. I highly recommend this book to all web designers and developers.
…a must have book…
It covers CSS DOM. How to create page elements on the fly and much more. This is a must have book for anyone learning Javascript and Web Browser DOM.
…a great book…
I think this is a great book and if, like myself, you have found your JavaScript languishing in recent years through underuse and want to re-discover how it can be used to great effect — but in an accessible and uninvasive way — then this is well worth putting on your bookshelf.
…I cannot recommend this book enough…
For those of you who are web developers and do not have this book, GET IT!!! I cannot recommend this book enough.
…blows your mind…
Jeremy Keith gives Javascript a new lick of paint, calls it DOM Scripting and blows your mind with its potential. If you are a designer who has always shied away from Javascript then this book is a must read.
…ein tolles Buch…
Für Webdesigner wie mich ist es ein tolles Buch, dass an schönen Beispielen erklärt, wozu man diese Technik nutzen kann, wie sie sinnvoll eingesetzt wird und wobei man besonders aufpassen muss.
…learn the right way…
Perfect for beginners who want to learn the right way from the onset and for advanced developers who are already building standards based websites… having (like me) always refrained from using JavaScript.
…definitely gets a 10/10…
Balancing a perfect blend of theory, practice, and application development, DOM Scripting is everything you need to start working with DOM. This book definitely gets a 10/10.
…it spoke to me…
The reason for enjoying this book so much was the way it spoke to me; I wish 4.5 years ago when I started my degree there had been a text book or a lecturer who could have explained basic programming to me in the way Jeremy Keith does in this book.
Keith's suggestions on using javascript in unobtrusive ways to separate behavior from structure is spot-on. He offers good advice for ensuring pages degrade gracefully (that is, still function) when javascript isn’t available, and we liked his examples of using DOM scripting to enhance markup.
…really well written…
A really well written, clear book which explains, step by step and through plenty of examples, the javascript syntax, the principles of the DOM and tips on how to create unobtrusive solutions that degrade gracefully.
…well-written and easy to follow…
The whole book is well-written and easy to follow. Like most really good hands-on books, DOM Scripting makes you eager to start putting what you've just read about into practice, making your own scripts more efficient and less obtrusive.
…packed with useful information…
Overall, I would highly recommend this book if you are looking to get your hands dirty with JavaScript and DOM Scripting. The book was an easy read, packed with useful information.
…you cannot buy a better book…
The book is aimed specifically at web designers. In my opinion, you cannot buy a better book if you are accustomed to the use of CSS but are new to JavaScript.
…you should really have this in your library…
There are a few books that can be unanimously placed in the "You Should Really Have This in your Library" category by Web designers/developers. DOM Scripting by Jeremy Keith, in my opinion, is one of those books.
…the David Attenborough of web design…
Jeremy Keith is the David Attenborough of web design. His way of explaining how things work is delightful and intruiguing, making something that is inherenlty fascinating even more so.
…a must read…
Jeremy Keith's book is an excellent, gentle introduction to applying dynamic effects to websites using Javascript and the DOM. Covering best practices and techniques that degrade gracefully this is a must read.
…a fantastic job…
If you want to get the basics of DOM scripting, it really couldn’t have been explained better. He does a fantastic job. Jeremy writes in a very easy and readable tone that makes it all painless.
…I'm a convert…
I'm a convert. From this day foreward, I will never look down on JavaScript. I have read DOM Scripting.
…deserves to be promoted to classic status immediately…