A shiny new copy of Bulletproof Ajax arrived in the post the other day. It’s quite lickable and colourful.
I’m feeling proud. I’m happy with the writing and I’m happy with the look and feel of the book.
It’s not War and Peace. In fact, you could probably read it in a day. I hope that’ll be a selling point. I know that the DOM Scripting book was a little bit long and intimidating for some people. With Bulletproof Ajax, I think that I’ve managed to trim everything down to a short, sharp shock of Ajaxy goodness.
I guess I should be doing the whole book promotion thing now. I was interviewed by Digital Web magazine. Give it a read if you want to know more about what’s inside the book. I like the way that they used this soundbite for the pullquote:
Give someone a fish and they’ll think you’re a bit of weirdo; teach someone how to fish and they’ll wonder what fishing has got to do with web design.
If audio is your medium of choice, you can listen to an interview I did with Scott Fegette of Adobe. There’s stuff in there about the old book, the new book and JavaScript in general.
If you want less yappin’ and more learnin’, go ahead and order the book for yourself.
Posted by Jeremy on Tuesday, February 27th, 2007 at 3:18pm

Nice. Looking forward to picking it up. Dom Scripting was one of the most well structured, detailed and readable technical books I’ve ever read. Can’t wait to see how you’ve disseminated AJAX.
Congratulations Jeremy. I’m looking forward to having one in my hands. Also looking forward to hearing you speak at SXSW. See ya soon!
# Posted by Shane Shepherd on Tuesday, February 27th, 2007 at 7:28pm
Looking forward to read this. I tried to order it from a webshop here in Sweden the same day as it became possible but my order was canceled because the supplier haven’t got any. Well well - perhaps I was too fast - I will try again later this week :)
Hi, yep, DOM Scripting was a great book. As someone who has dabbled and hacked bits of JS for years it was a great way to get into JS with a focus to using it in the context of standards compliance / accessibility etc. I found it flowed very easily from one section to another.
I’m looking forward to reading this book too, I haven’t done any AJAX at all yet but I’m conscious of wanting to apply it via the method of progressive enhancement rather than some other messy way.
As an aside my wife is a frequent visitor to The Session website, she was surprised when I told her that the author of one of my ‘web geek books’ ran that site!
# Posted by Rick Curran on Tuesday, February 27th, 2007 at 9:33pm
Um… I am wondering which book to get. I’ve forgotten most of the Javascript I learnt years ago, and am really only looking to add some AJAX powered, unobtrusive and degradable enhancements to web pages. I am considering to get both books but if I had to choose just one, which is more suitable for me (and why)?
# Posted by Ian Cheung on Wednesday, February 28th, 2007 at 1:11am
JJG is in there as well?? I’m so glad the book is on its way to me already!
# Posted by marrije on Wednesday, February 28th, 2007 at 9:16am
Just put the order in. Thanks for your contributions to the industry, Jeremy.
# Posted by Colin on Wednesday, February 28th, 2007 at 10:24am
My copy of your book arrived here in NYC on Friday (via Amazon.com) and I’ve just started reading it. I’m happy to find it’s written with the same easy-to-use style as your DOM Scripting book. In the DOM Scripting book you took a topic that I’ve had only hacked my way through in the past and suddenly I had a new understanding of what I had done (or tried to do) and a new understanding of what is possible when I know more about the tools at my disposal. I’m looking forward to digging further into the Ajax book and hope for the same revelations. Thank you for the hard work!
# Posted by John F Morton on Wednesday, February 28th, 2007 at 1:11pm
Looking forwards to reading it. I’d be very proud indeed, Jeremy. In fact I’m jealous :)
# Posted by Steve Tucker on Thursday, March 1st, 2007 at 12:33am
My book arrived here on Monday and I am just about to start reading it. I was surprised at how light it was; didn’t really look into how many pages there were etc… Nevertheless, knowing your writing from DOM Scripting, I am sure this one will rock!
Thank you for your work, Jeremy.
# Posted by Vincent Grouls on Thursday, March 1st, 2007 at 9:02pm
It’s on order and I’m looking forward to reading it. If it’s half as good as the Domscripting book I’ll be really pleased!
# Posted by Erwin Heiser on Friday, March 2nd, 2007 at 3:34pm
With such fast development of technical equipment you have not time to learn modern programming!
My congrats. I hope this book will help me learn AJAX
Hopefully this book will give me the big impact fpr my AJAX studies. Somebody in Chads blog recommended it to me! Must be very good!
The first book was very good, really helpfull. Just received the second today here in Portugal. After a quick glance, it looks nice. Got to go… read it!
# Posted by José Carlos on Thursday, March 15th, 2007 at 2:11am
I am still reading it (almost done) but, so far, have found your book very useful, readable and clear. I was initially surprised how thin it was — even skinnier than the Bulletproof Web Design book in the same series — but the information is all there with good examples. Maybe when I’m done, I’ll still be hungry for more and wish that you had given us a book as long as your excellent DOM Scripting book, but I’ve gotten a lot of good information.
I particularly like that you work with the so-called "traditional" events model [1] rather than delving into the more arcane and seemingly less well supported W3 DOM model. I first encountered that latter style in the No Nonsense XML Web Development With PHP by Thomas Myer and was sort of put off by the necessity to resort to browser sniffing in certain circumstances. It just didn’t make sense to me.
I think your approach makes much more sense. Thanks!
[1]: http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_tradmod.html
P.S. I asked the computer science librarian at my institution to add your book to the campus Safari subscription. She was very quick in adding it. It’s nice to have it that way too.
# Posted by Tom on Monday, March 19th, 2007 at 6:06pm
Jeremy - top job, the book is great. It arrived yesterday and I’m half way through it already, it’s a great sequel to your DOM Scripting book. One question, is there anywhere yet for collating errata for the book, I’ve spotted just the one so far in 77 pages but didn’t know where they were being collated
# Posted by Tom Simcox on Thursday, March 22nd, 2007 at 11:30am
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