I’ve been up in London a lot this week, first for BarCamp and then for the Future of Web Apps conference. After two days of the conference proper, Ryan and the gang put on a day of workshops, each one lasting three and a half hours.
I did an introduction to Ajax workshop and I think it went quite well. I’m used to doing full-day workshops so I had to compress a lot of material down. I may have raced through some stuff rather quickly but I managed to hit all the points I wanted to get across.
The presentation slides are online and I’ve also zipped them up. If you were at the workshop, go ahead and grab that file. If you weren’t at the workshop, you can still grab the file but it probably won’t make as much sense to you.
Posted by Jeremy on Friday, February 23rd, 2007 at 3:07pm

I was at the workshop - great overview on beginning Ajax - it’s good to start in the right direction. Being a .NET developer it’s easy to get sucked into the ASP.NET AJAX (in upper case) thing. I perfer to know what’s going on with the code from the start.
# Posted by Tony Norcross on Saturday, February 24th, 2007 at 6:31am
Yes, I attended this great workshop too : you really managed to make Ajax (and Hijax) understandable by beginners like me ! thank you !
# Posted by nicolas steegmann on Sunday, February 25th, 2007 at 10:47am
PHP Javascript CSS rules. Ajax is the future. Greets from Germany Sven Fischer
# Posted by Sven Fischer on Sunday, February 25th, 2007 at 12:25pm
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