The first time I gave an Ajax workshop, it was in London. That went well. Since then, I’ve taken it on the road to some relatively far-flung locations; Manchester, York, um… Bracknell. Now I’m going to take the workshop all the way to Australia.
On Tuesday, September 26th, I’ll be presenting an all day workshop on DOM Scripting and Ajax in advance of the Web Directions conference in Sydney.
There are still some places left. The workshop costs $AU495, or just $AU395 if you’re also going to the conference. If you can make it, it would be great to see you there.
Even though I’ve done quite a few workshops already, I find that each one is different. That’s usually down to the unique makeup of the attendees at each workshop. A scripted schedule will only go so far: the most valuable part of a workshop (for the speaker as well as the attendees) is the interaction in an intimate environment. It’s a lot less intimidating than a single presentation at a conference, while also being a lot more intense. Hopefully, it can also be good fun.
If you’re coming to workshop, I’d be very interesting in getting an idea of your skillset. Leave a comment and let me know where you stand with CSS, (X)HTML, JavaScript, or any server-side languages. If there’s anything specific that you want to make sure gets covered in the workshop, let me know.
Posted by Jeremy on Wednesday, September 20th, 2006 at 2:20pm

Where it will be held exactly? Where I can get tickets?
# Posted by Rel on Wednesday, September 20th, 2006 at 9:32pm
Rel -!
Hey Jeremy, will you be putting up any resources from your talk for us poor sucker whose managers wouldn’t pony up $500 for us to see a presentation on AJAX when they still think that "CSS" is a buzzword?!
# Posted by Mr Speaker on Thursday, September 21st, 2006 at 12:31am
details are here It”s on at UTS Sydney as part of Web Directions (the workshops are extra, and you can go to them without going to the conference, but Jeremy is speeaking twice at the conference too).
Register here
Hope to see you there
# Posted by John Allsopp on Thursday, September 21st, 2006 at 1:09am
I’ve only just been told I won tickets the conference but fortunately my company has already brought me a ticket. So I did a deal with the promotion guy at to give me up with a ticket to your workshop and put the difference on some drinks at the Pumphouse. The first bit came through (I have workshop ticket), we’ll see about the free drinks.
To give you an idea where my skills are in-regard to your workshop topic: well I’ve read half of Cameron Adams co-authored "JavaScript Anthology" and have one chapter left on your own "DOM Scripting" book. Both (so far) I have found to be a good read, but (as you admit yourself) quite entry level. I’m after the "data formats like XML and JSON to get you to Ajax and Hijax" section of the workshop. My server-side preferences are PHP and Perl/Mason. I’d also like to learn about the difference in Javascript frameworks (like jQuery, Prototype, Taconite, etc.) and how they can best be applied.
Thanks for being open to this kind of input before the event. I’ll see you next week.
# Posted by Rowan on Thursday, September 21st, 2006 at 6:57am
Hi Jeremy. I look forward to meeting you tomorrow morning. I know it’s late (just doing some last-minute cramming), but my skill-set is pretty varied, but I really only know enough "to get the job done". Server-side, my preference is towards PHP, but I’m also often forced to use a lot of ASP/VBScript (but I know that part of it inside-out).
# Posted by Michael McCorry on Monday, September 25th, 2006 at 12:58pm
Sorry. Comments are closed.