Back in February, I wrote about the nasty obtrusive inline JavaScript event handlers spat out by default in the Ruby on Rails framework. Based on David Heinemeir Hanson’s response, it was clear that this wasn’t something that was going to be addressed any time soon in the core Rails build.
Then in June, Luke Redpath announced that he had built a plug-in that would allow you to add unobtrusive JavaScript in Rails applications and that he would be working on this with Dan Webb.
Well, the boys have done good. They’ve just unveiled the UJS Rails Plugin. As the website proclaims:
Rails is a great framework, especially for writing AJAX applications, but the Javascript that the built-in Rails helpers output is a bone of contention for many. Unobtrusive Javascript for Rails aims to change that.
Right now it’s at version 0.3 and it’s looking good. If you’re a Rails developer, check out the quickstart guide.
Posted by Jeremy on Wednesday, August 23rd, 2006 at 12:31am

Working on a web app (oh, doesn’t everybody) with Ruby on Rails and well it’s included several AJAX scripts. So it’s good that we can continue develop unobtrusive Javascript. It is to be hoped that guys like you will use it, you will see what I mean.
Btw, thanks for the tip as usual Jeremy.
# Posted by G.Lindqvist on Wednesday, August 23rd, 2006 at 9:47am
Wish I could get my JavaScript AI Mind.html ported into Ruby.
I’m new to the Ruby development, so I have found the quickstart guide very useful. Thanks Jeremy.
For newbies this guide is really useful
# Posted by Brid on Wednesday, September 13th, 2006 at 10:36pm
I began to read - nothing I can understand
# Posted by Skin Treatment on Sunday, September 17th, 2006 at 6:37pm
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