I’d like to point your attention to the slides from two different presentations.
Tom Armitage gave a presentation at the London Ruby User Group called Ruby on Rails from the other side of the tracks. It gives a good overview on how server-side developers and front-end designers can work together. He has plenty to say on semantic markup, unobtrusive JavaScript, and Hijax. The slides are available as a PDF.
Steve Chipman gave a talk to his colleagues at AOL recently entitled An Intro to the DOM. He walks through plenty of code samples, beginning with the simple stuff and moving up to more complex scripts. The slides are online now. The audio (and a transcript) will be available soon.
Posted by Jeremy on Friday, August 18th, 2006 at 12:23am

Thank you. Great information.
# Posted by Joe on Saturday, August 19th, 2006 at 8:18pm
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