I swear, that James Edwards is on a different level to us mere mortals. This time, Wizard Brothercake has conjured up a thing of joy for anyone who remembers dungeon games of old.
Get this: he’s created a 3D maze using CSS and the DOM. Don’t believe me? Fire up a standards-compliant browser and try it out.
Okay, so there may not be any practical use for this, but it’s still very nifty. If nothing else, it’s a great trip down memory lane… or should that be memory maze?
Posted by Jeremy on Wednesday, August 9th, 2006 at 10:17am

Also check out http://www.countertrack.com/pacman/, wrote that in 2003 as an entry for a javascript contest on a Dutch forum.
Complete and utter insanity. File it under eccentric yet brilliant British inventions.
"Okay, so there may not be any practical use for this"
That sounds a bit short-sighted.
You could have: * Someone browsing the aisles of a store, as a shopping metaphor. * Doing a "walkthrough" on some real estate. * A virtual art gallery
We know the advantages of standards-based HTML and CSS; extending that to another visual metaphor is wonderful.
Great job, James.
# Posted by Joe Grossberg on Wednesday, August 9th, 2006 at 4:07pm
You know, Edwards might be a scripting god, but he’s not infallible. The dungeon works perfectly in Safari on Mac OS X, yet he indicates it only works in Firefox and Opera. Typical stuck-on-Windows PC programmer, I guess.
Why calls James Edwards himself BrotherCake? Has it got to do with rave culture of the 90s?
# Posted by A on Tuesday, September 5th, 2006 at 1:02am
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