Einfach für Alle (easy for all) is a project of the German non-profit organisation Aktion Mensch put together by, amongst others, my fellow WaSP, Tomas Caspers. They have a German language blog and podcast.
Tomas asked me if I’d like to contribute a little soundbite about Hijax for a podcast episode about Ajax and accessibility. The catch is that I’d have to provide it in German.
I did my best. The episode, entitled Barrierefreiheit, Ajax und Web two point oh is now online. You can listen to it or read the transcript. At the end of the transcript there’s a list of useful resources, some in German, some in English.
Viel Spaß!
Posted by Jeremy on Monday, June 19th, 2006 at 5:07pm

Thanks for the information. I wonder that I read about the project on a english page, because I am German and I live in Germany. Maybe I’ll join the contest. At least I will link to it and write some lines about it on my page.
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