I wrote a while back about a problem with Ruby on Rails and the way it attaches JavaScript event handlers:
In Rails, you can add JavaScript helpers to your links, simply and easily. But those helpers then create redundant links (
a href="#"
) with inline event handlers.
Well, it looks like a solution is here. Luke Redpath has unveiled a plug-in for Rails to allow for unobtrusive JavaScript, thereby earning himself lots of Whuffie.
I’m not a Rails developer but this looks like a very neat little solution indeed. So if you are a Rails developer, please do check it out.
Luke will also be collaborating with Dan Webb who has been working on his patch. By merging ideas from both developers, the result should be a rock-solid addition to the framework.
Posted by Jeremy on Friday, June 9th, 2006 at 10:44am

Woo! Good catch! Much like I predicted some time ago. ;-)
# Posted by Dominic Mitchell on Friday, June 9th, 2006 at 7:39pm
Nice, at last!
# Posted by G.Lindqvist on Monday, June 12th, 2006 at 8:01pm
Sorry. Comments are closed.