On Friday, May 26th, I’ll be presenting an Ajax one-day workshop in Manchester. There are still some places available (although you’ll have to be very, very fast to catch the early-bird discount).
The first workshop, held in London, was a great success so if you’re in the area, do try to get along.
If you’re nowhere near Manchester, there are some other DOM Scripting events happening around the globe in the next couple of months. Maybe you can make it to one or more of them…
Sydney is the setting for a two day CSS and JavaScript workshop on May 8th and 9th. Cameron Adams will be handling the JavaScript side of things so you know it’s going to be good.
For continental coders, XTech 2006 will be held in Amsterdam from May 16th to 19th. The conference kicks off with a full day of tutorials devoted to Ajax. I’ll be there talking about Hijax. Simon Willison, Alex Russell and others are also on the bill. You can register for the full conference or just for the Ajax developer’s day.
The first London JavaScript Evening will be held on Thursday, May 25th. Simon Willison and Paul Hammond will be speaking and you can expect some 5 minute lightning talks from other developers too.
Also in London, the @media conference will be taking place on June 15th and 16th. The schedule includes presentations and panels with titles like JavaScript Libraries: Friend or Foe? and Using DOM Scripting to Plug the Holes in CSS (which I will be presenting).
The JavaScript action in London that month wraps up with a workshop from Dylan Schiemann entitled Building Web Apps with Ajax on June 29th.
July is a busy month for stateside scripting. Over in New York city, An Event Apart runs from July 10th to 11th. On the second day of the event, Aaron Gustafson will be dishing out the DOM Scripting goodies.
Meanwhile, Web Design World Seattle runs from July 10th to 12th and features a presentation called Developing Ajax Applications from Joe Marini.
Ten days later and a short hop away, the Webvisions conference will be returning to Portland, Orgeon from July 20th to 21st. Jonathan Snook will be speaking on Rapid DOM/AJAX Development.
All in all, it’s shaping up to be a summer of DOM Scripting. I’m going to be attending some of these events. Maybe we can get together for some beer-fueled JavaScript meetups.
Addendum: This entry was written using natural language hCalendar. You can add these events to iCal.
Posted by Jeremy on Monday, May 1st, 2006 at 12:58pm

Very cool use of microformats.
# Posted by Dimitri Glazkov on Monday, May 1st, 2006 at 4:44pm
Sorry. Comments are closed.