Who says the World Wide Web Consortium moves slowly? The Web APIs Working Group is moving forward and the first steps are available for perusal on the W3C site.
See for yourself: a working draft for the XMLHttpRequest object. That’s right: the proprietary Ajax technology is on its way to becoming a web standard.
I doff my hat in the general direction of Dean Jackson, Anne Van Kesteren and the other authors of this document. If you don’t share my enthusiasm and you have any suggestions for the XHR draft, please note the injunction at the bottom of the page:
Thanks to all those who have helped to improve this specification by sending suggestions and corrections. (Please, keep bugging us with your issues!)
Posted by Jeremy on Monday, April 10th, 2006 at 10:30pm

All these acronyms are so confusing. Ajax apparently means Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. PHP used to mean Personal Home Page, but then it got redefined. There ought to be some Naming Standards, so that acronyms like URL mean one thing and one thing only — either Uniform or Universal Resource Locator, but not both simultaneously.
# Posted by mindmaker on Wednesday, April 12th, 2006 at 10:57am
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