The deed is done. The presentation has been presented. I’m back from Austin and I’m still assimilating everything that happened at South by Southwest.
How to bluff your way in DOM Scripting went down very well. I was blessed with the perfect presenting partner. Aaron is such a natural, laid-back speaker, he makes teaching seem effortless. We got a lot of good feedback from people afterwards, which is always gratifying. People who blogged about it also had kind words to say.
It was fairly basic stuff so if you already knew JavaScript, you might not have got much out of it… but then the clue is in the title. We were aiming at standards-savvy designers who already know CSS and (X)HTML (the same audience as the book really).
The slides are online now. Hopefully the audio will be made available from the conference website before too long.
South by Southwest was, needless to say, an absolute blast. I met great people and I just wish I’d had more time to talk to everyone. To everyone who came and said “Hi” after the presentation or during my book signing, it was an absolute pleasure meeting all of you. And if you attended the presentation, thank you very much for coming. I hope you liked it.
Posted by Jeremy on Monday, March 20th, 2006 at 3:00am

Uhoh, looks like you’re finally getting spam… Anyway, my favorite part is how you break it down into english, then interpret into CSS, then put that into JavaScript. It makes so much more sense to teach it that way when others are learning it for the first time.
# Posted by Dustin Diaz on Tuesday, March 21st, 2006 at 6:09am
Very useful and wonderful presentation.
THank you!
# Posted by Alex Giron on Tuesday, March 21st, 2006 at 10:17pm
It was a pleasure working with you Jeremy. I really enjoyed the session and I hope we have more opportunities to co-present in the future.
# Posted by Aaron Gustafson on Wednesday, March 22nd, 2006 at 3:34pm
Jeremy — I was seriously impressed by your presentation - the explanation / english language to code translation and line by line walkthrough worked VERY well. Congrats.
# Posted by Steve Bissonnette on Thursday, April 6th, 2006 at 8:25pm
Sorry. Comments are closed.