It’s end-of-term grading time for JavaScript libraries. There’s an article over at Musings from Mars called Ajax/DHTML Library Scorecard: How Cross Platform Are They?
Before diving into the results, there’s a lengthy introduction explaining just why cross-browser, cross-platform support is important. It makes for great reading. There’s a history lesson of the dark days of the browser wars that had me nodding my head in sympathy and recalling the pain of old-school DHTML coding in the nineties.
The issue of browser support highlights an important point about JavaScript libraries. They are there to serve you, not the other way around. You’ll need to make your own decision about what your browser support matrix looks like. That decision needs to be based on your own site’s individual requirements and audience. The decision should not be influenced by which library or framework you’re using.
Don’t let the tail wag the dog. Choose a library that fits your needs; don’t alter your needs around a library.
Posted by Jeremy on Tuesday, March 7th, 2006 at 12:52pm

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