I finally added an errata list to the book section of this website.
Originally, I had all sorts of plans for a fancy form that readers could use to submit errors by chapter and page number. I never got ‘round to building it and I realised it be quicker and simpler to just throw up a page listing any errata discovered so far.
So that’s what I’ve done. It’s a simple table listing errors — mostly typos — organised by chapter and page number. If you find any mistakes in the book that aren’t documented in the table, please don’t hesitate to get in touch and let me know.
I was dreading seeing all the mistakes gathered together in one place but I must admit, now that I see them all written down, the problems aren’t as numerous as I had feared. On average, there’s a blemish per chapter but most of them are of a cosmetic nature: a missing or misplaced character.
Some of the errors were fixed in the second print run of the book so, if your copy of the book is relatively new, don’t be surprised if you can’t find all the errors that I’ve listed.
Posted by Jeremy on Tuesday, January 31st, 2006 at 10:29pm

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