The d.Construct grassroots Web 2.0 conference just wrapped up in Brighton. Despite the fact that my company organised the event, I wasn’t able to be there myself. I’m currently in Seattle, enjoying the sights and sounds and generally being a tourist.
By all accounts, the day went really well and there was much liveblogging going on. There was plenty of talk about DOM Scripting and Ajax. Stuart Langridge was flying the flag for gracefully degrading, unobtrusive JavaScript. Here’s a nice round-up courtesy of Tim Beadle of all the points Stuart made in his usual funny style. Mind you, some of the things he said prompted concerns from Paul Boag.
You can read more liveblogged round-ups from Zach Inglis and Faruk Ates.
Posted by Jeremy on Friday, November 11th, 2005 at 11:25pm

Damn, you are making me sound like such a miserable bastard! lol I have to say I had a wonderful day and my last post on the subject is a lot more upbeat ( Stuart’s presentation was excellent (as is his book - not as good as yours of course!), it is just that I am a usability nut and get jumpy sometimes when I hear your tech heads talking :)
# Posted by Paul Boag on Friday, November 11th, 2005 at 11:49pm
All presentations was wonderful especially Andy’s and Stuart’s presentations and I liked Tom Hume presentation, I wasn’t there but I was following live blogs minute by minute.
# Posted by Abdelrahman osama on Saturday, November 12th, 2005 at 2:34am
Thanks for linking to the blog post. It was a really good day, and there’s lots there for me and the team I work with to digest and, hopefully, use in the future.
# Posted by Tim Beadle on Sunday, November 13th, 2005 at 10:06pm
Sorry. Comments are closed.