I got a nice email from Tobias Kunisch containing a pleasant surprise:
As I’m not currently using the .de domain I made a forward from domscripting.de to domscripting.com for the time being. Perhaps by doing so I can help promote your book a little.
Was fuer ein netter Kerl! Vielen dank, Tobias.
And don’t forget, although there are no plans for translations any time soon, you can pre-order the book from Amazon.de.
Posted by Jeremy on Thursday, August 25th, 2005 at 2:05pm

I can’t wait for the book. I wish I could forward bankofamerica.com or something huge to your site… But alas, wurkit is all I got… You can bet your *** I’ll be linking to it when I get my hands on it.
Good luck, Ritz
Gern geschehen, I hope I could help spreading good JavaScript =)
cheers, tobs
# Posted by Tobias Kunisch on Friday, August 26th, 2005 at 11:08am
ja, well.
Can’t wait for the Buch!! Found this site/book/link from http://www.simplebits.com
This is exactly where I’d like to go with my skills! Thanks!
# Posted by luxuryluke on Thursday, September 1st, 2005 at 11:01pm
Sorry. Comments are closed.