I’ve been away on holiday (in Florida) right at the critical time when the book was due to be released. I got an email from the publisher while I was away asking if I had received my copy yet and if so, what did I think of it?
I wrote back saying that I was in the States but no doubt the book would be waiting for me on my return to England.
When I got back to Brighton, there was a note waiting for me from the Royal Mail. “Sorry we missed you”, it said. “We tried to deliver a parcel but you were out.”
I quickly called the number on the note and arranged for a redelivery. I then slept for the best part of a day, jetlag be damned.
The next morning, a Royal Mail van pulled up. There was a knock on the door. A book-sized parcel was delivered into my hands.
This was it, I thought. I’d finally get to hold my book in my own hands. I opened the package and found…
Bulletproof Web Design by Dan Cederholm.
Thanks for the book, Dan. I appreciate it. At the same time, I don’t think there’s a word in the English language to describe the mixture of being simultaneously pleased and disappointed.
I was disapleased. Pleasointed.
Since then, I’ve received many an IM message from friends in the States saying, “Hey, I got your book!” It would seem that Amazon are doing a very diligent job of getting the book out there. Which is great. But… I want my copy too!
I did get an email from the publisher explaining the long and tortuous process involved in getting a book to an author when that author doesn’t live in the States. Still, I’m starting to feel like I’ve been locked out of my own party.
Perhaps I’m no longer a Friend of ED. Maybe I’ve been relegated to Acquaintance of ED or Exchanges Christmas Cards with ED.
On the positive side, if you pre-ordered DOM Scripting from Amazon, there’s a good chance that you already have it in your hands (you lucky swine!). How are you enjoying it?
Oh, and for the record, Bulletproof Web Design kicks ass: a most excellent resource that I recommend highly.
Posted by Jeremy on Wednesday, September 28th, 2005 at 2:02am

Doh. I feel terrible. How dare I tease you like that. :-)
I hope ED comes through and delivers a fresh copy soon!
# Posted by Dan Cederholm on Wednesday, September 28th, 2005 at 3:38am
If you were a bit more disapplointed then pleased, you should add additional weight by interjecting the "pleased" into the "disappointed:"
It’s fun to say. Probably not so fun to feel.
Oh, and don’t read too many comments about the book while you wait. They may contain spoilers. ;)
# Posted by Scott on Wednesday, September 28th, 2005 at 1:48pm
I feel your disapplointed pain! I ordered your book, and Dan Cederholm’s book at the same time from Amazon. I had Dan’s book in about 2 days, I am still waiting for them to ship your book…8 days later.
And yes, Bulletproof Web Design does kicks ass. I still can’t wait for DOMscripting though.
# Posted by John on Wednesday, September 28th, 2005 at 2:08pm
Amazon had a 5-10 waiting period for the book to be shipped. So, I went to Barnes and Noble, and it came the next day. Looks like a fantastic book so far.
# Posted by Matt on Wednesday, September 28th, 2005 at 3:31pm
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