I remember when I spoke at the first @media conference in London in 2005, mine was the only talk related to JavaScript. Just a few short years later, there was an entire @media spin-off conference devoted to JavaScript: the slightly-inaccurately named @media Ajax. JavaScript has come a long way in the past few years.
This year’s be-there-or-be-square JavaScript event is the newly-announced Full Frontal conference to be held at the fantastic Duke Of York’s Picturehouse in Brighton on November 20th:
- full-fron•tal (JavaScript):
- with nothing concealed or held back.
It’s being organised by Remy Sharp. Doesn’t this guy ever sleep? Not content with creating JS Bin and the JQuery API browser, and writing a book on jQuery for Designers, now he’s going to organise a conference too.
It looks like being an absolute bargain. A mere £100 will get you a ticket to a day of serious JavaScript talks from some of the smartest people in the business: Christian Heilmann, Peter-Paul Koch, Stuart Langridge, Simon Willison, and more.
Best of all, I don’t have to travel anywhere for this conference as it’s being held in my adopted hometown of Brighton. But if you do have to travel, I can think of now better place to travel to. Come along and I’ll make sure the geeks of Brighton welcome you.
Posted by Jeremy on Monday, April 20th, 2009 at 4:09pm

Awesome. I’m really looking forward to this.
I’m especially pleased at the price. A one day conference on Javascript with smart speakers and most likely, a very knowledgeable audience for 100 smackers? Bring it on!
# Posted by Phil Hawksworth on Monday, April 20th, 2009 at 10:26pm
Great to know..I wonder if they will be releasing the video copy of the conference. For me it is not just 100 but travel expenses.
It’s not a big money £100 to renounce from getting such experience from these smartest people in the business
Ace! I am looking forward… Just need to get some accommodation and I will come down. I am hoping to do a Ajax/JavaScript thing for my honours project at University next year so hopefully this will help me.
# Posted by Nathan Payne on Tuesday, May 12th, 2009 at 11:49pm
Lucky you! So you don’t have to think about extra costs. I look forward to read your report as I don’t see any possibility to come to wonderful Brighton.
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