A little while back, Phil Hawksworth, a very smart web developer at Osmosoft, created Unobtrusify.com. It’s a self-describing and rather lovely-looking ode to semantic markup, appropriate CSS and unobtrusive JavaScript.
You can read all about how it was made or you can simply go and play around with it …go ahead; click on stuff.
Phil’s co-worker Paul Downey is responsible for such printed masterpieces as The Web Is Agreement and The URI Is The Thing. He has now created a printable version of Unobtrusify. Head on over to archive.org, download and print to your heart’s content.
Now I just need to find some sticky material so I can slap my copy up next to my desk.
Posted by Jeremy on Wednesday, February 18th, 2009 at 5:23pm

Phil makes a little gem with css and javascript! =)
OK I gave it a try, thought it was cool. Keeping It Real, Amber Kimball
# Posted by Amber Kimball on Wednesday, March 18th, 2009 at 5:09am
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