The audio recording is now online of the How to bluff your way in DOM Scripting panel I co-presented with Aaron at South by Southwest. Grab the mp3 or subscribe to the podcast if you’d like to re-live the thrills, spills and laughs. You might want to play along with the slides as you listen.
There are lots of other great sessions now up on the SXSW site. Keep checking back there for updates or simply add the podcast URL to your subscription software of choice.
Update: A transcript of the presentation is now available. You can also read about how the transcript was made if you’re interested.
Posted by Jeremy on Wednesday, April 19th, 2006 at 1:05am

Awesome transcription. Audio files are great … for those who can hear. Thank you so much for taking the time (and the expense) to provide audio access for a small minority of people.
PS: I’m not the Michael who commented at Vitamin. But I am also deaf — small world.
# Posted by Michael Hessling on Sunday, April 23rd, 2006 at 4:04pm
Also very useful for people with moderate english speaking skills (like myself) being able to fully understand and grasp the concepts you where talking about in the presentation by listening to the podcast and reading along the transcript (and looking at the code in the slides). Thanks a lot, very much appreciated!
Through listening to all those podcasts on web design (Boagworld, Web 2.0 Show, WSWI) and conference recordings (WE05, d.Construct, CWS, SXSW, WSG) that came up in the last months I almost learned a lot more (about JavaScript/Web Standards based design and related topics i.e.) than I probably will do in three years of new media design apprenticeship I’m currently into. Just to put emphasise on the fact that this knowledge being provided really is of great value for me and certainly others.
# Posted by Christian Fleschhut on Sunday, April 30th, 2006 at 4:51pm
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